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per sentire il messaggio audio

\n";"text/html"); maineditor.document.write(pagehtml); maineditor.document.close(); } function NewPage(){ if(window.confirm("Do you want to save changes in the current document?")){ //Show Save As Dialog maineditor.document.execCommand("SaveAs"); } //Write a blank page maineditor.window.location="about:blank"; WriteDefaultPage(); //Set focus to editor maineditor.focus(); } function HTMLView(){ //Switch to HTML view maineditor.document.body.innerHTML=""; maineditor.document.body.innerText=html; } function TableOn(table, on){ //Highlights the table on which the mouse is over if(on)"#95AFFF"; else"#82DF82"; } function ToolbarOn(toolon){ //Highlights on or off the current toolbar //Get the toolbar button on which the mouse is over var tool=event.srcElement; //Change background color if(toolon){"#B4A0FE";"#000000"; } else{"#D1D1D1";"#D1D1D1"; } } function FindInPage(showdialog){ //Shows the Find and Replace Dialog var display="visible"; if(showdialog==false) display="hidden";; if(showdialog!=false) document.find.findwhat.focus(); } function FindIt(str, replacestr, newstr){ //This functions searchs for a string in the document //and if specified then replaces it with a new string if(str==""){ //If no string to search entered alert("Enter a string to search"); document.find.findwhat.focus(); return; } //Creates a range in the document txt = maineditor.document.body.createTextRange(); //Loop to find the string in the document for (i = 0; i <= n && (found = txt.findText(str)) != false; i++) { txt.moveStart("character", 1); txt.moveEnd("textedit"); } if(found) { //If founded select it and scroll into view txt.moveStart("character", -1); txt.findText(str); //If replace is specified then replace the match with the new string if(replacestr) txt.text=newstr;; txt.scrollIntoView(); n++; } else { if (n > 0) { window.alert("There are no more matches"); n=0; } // Not found anywhere, give message. else window.alert("\"" + str + "\" was not founded in document"); } } function InsertHTML(newhtml){ //Inserts HTML in the selection of the document maineditor.focus(); var selpoint=maineditor.document.selection.createRange(); selpoint.pasteHTML(newhtml); } function GetSelectedText(){ //Get the selection of the document maineditor.focus(); var selpoint=maineditor.document.selection.createRange(); var seltext=selpoint.text; return seltext; } function InsertNewImage(){ if(enabletoolbar==false) return; maineditor.focus(); //Open Insert Image Dialog maineditor.document.execCommand("insertimage", true, null); } function InsertForm(){ //Creates a new form var formmethod=window.prompt("Choose form method: GET | POST", "POST"); var formaction=window.prompt("Choose form action:", "http://"); InsertHTML("


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Per scrivere con il cursore basta cliccare il bottone NORMAL (il bottone è qui sopra).
Se usi Mozilla Firefox non puoi scrivere sul blocco note, funziona solo con internet Explorer.

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