Make money quick tips 2 - from Tbtoyl Marketing

To make money quick you can use a simple form of viral marketing. Write or have someone else write a small report with your ad included on it and allow others to give it away.

Build alliances with other online businesses. You could trade links or ads, create joint venture deals, cross promote your products.

Design your packaging so it sells your products. Utilize colors and lettering that make your product more attractive to your prospects.

Improve your business by promoting customer feedback. Tell them you want their honest opinions about your business, good or bad.

Sign-up to win web site awards. When you win, some award sites publish your web site link, name and description on their site.

Compare your product's guarantee to your main competitors. Find a niche were your can design your guarantee to be more powerful.

Join online business associations or clubs. If you join, they will usually list all their members on their web site. It will give your business extra exposure.

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